hello guyss~

sorry for the hiatus !!
in few weeks ill visit the firms to start the clothing line and gonna start showing them my designs

i got tons of patience so maybe ill start with few pieces only ~
the stuff i got in mind are all very black, white x gold ~if u like d.i.a you should enjoy it!
so pray for me guys

ive been to Spain and Venice for carnival

ive been on helicopter over VENICE ~ it was fab and the weather was summerlike!!
for Valentine's day ive been to a secret place for 3 lovable days ~ {8-9-10th of Feb }
there were also 4 sweet as hell cats and 2 dogs ( i miss them

this is Tigre (tiger)
why ppl say cats are cold ?? we had no food but they were always with us to play and

. i think ppl tellin it are cold theirselves and stop
on 15th january i decided not to eat meat anymore ~

superhappy now !!
vegan choice is appealing but i cant help eating eggs ( but at least u can choose to support ' happy ' farms where chicks are not armed or closed in 2cm jails )
i keep on eating fish and this is not a hypocritical choice

at least for me!!
if u want mest like stuff its plenty of delicious seitan and tempeh out there!!

i did my debut on GAL

VIP of Jan-Feb BUT damn i was uglyyyu
i look grey like a monsterr
i will avoid using CC CREAM ( the one i got is purple like )
but i can tell u im gonna look great in march issue ~
i got very long braided hair now ~
it goes to my tight!!! <3 i feel like an egyptian queen and a wildcat ~ omg i feel like BASTET then
its cornrow then the 80% of the hair is loose ( not braided ) but i love keeping it in this biggie

pro of this look :
something wild ( wild= sexy)
goes great with my grey extensions!!
the hair is super long
the hair is cheap ( 3.5/4 usd a pack~ i used almost 2 packs only )
i can braid myself
i can curl it easily
yesterday i wore sand grey hair mixes with the almost black !!!!
i reallly L

VE it
tomorrow ill be superbusyyyy
<3 ~ cant wait to have my work finished